17 Settembre, 2024

About Us

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Federmobilità is a non-profit association which gathers all the administrations responsible for mobility management at regional, provincial and local level. Its tasks comprise:

Promoting and organising the participation and analysis process in an innovative way and formulating proposals aimed at solving problems in the mobility sector
Interacting with other European and Italian institutions responsible for mobility
Providing independent information and support for partners’ institutional activities, through targeted studies and research
Organising training courses for partners in order to promote the development of specialised competencies in the sector
Organising events open to the public and aimed at discussing transport sector problems, spreading good practices and analysing as well as assessing projects.

Who may join us?

The local bodies at different levels of management and with competencies in the mobility and transport sector.

How to join

An application form is to be submitted by the local body, together with a copy of the resolution of the competent body and the deed on payment of the annual registration fee.

 The Statute and the Charter of the Values of which the association is endowed furnish further information on the structure, the activities and the objectives of Federmobilità


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